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Milk Thistle is a flowering herb that has been used traditionally as a medicinal food for centuries.
$ 37.00 USD
$ 37.00 USD

Amalaki tablet is a unique combination of standardized Amalaki extract and Amalaki powder. In Ayurveda, Amalaki has been used as Balya (tonic), Rasayana (rejuvenator) and Vajiakara (aphrodisiac). According to Ayurveda, Amalaki is useful in the management of Krushtva (weakness) and Vardhakya Janit Roga (age related disorders). Amalaki possesses anti-oxidant, adaptogenic, and immunomodulator activities. Amalaki helps to scavenge free radicals, prevent tissue damage and enhance concentration of the anti-oxidant enzymes in body. Amalaki also helps to relieve oxidative stress and improve metabolism. Amalaki helps to enhance immunity and useful in management of general debility, weakness and systemic inflammation. As an anti-oxidant and immunomodulator, Amalaki is useful in the management of chronic cardiac, liver, skin, GI tract, respiratory tract and renal tract disorders.


As an immuno modulator and anti-oxidant


1 tablet twice daily orally after meals


  • Anti-oxidant Activity: Amalaki helps to scavenge free radicals, prevents tissue damage and enhances concentration of the anti-oxidant enzymes in body.
  • Immuno modulator Activity: Amalaki helps to enhance immunity against various diseased conditions and useful in the management of general debility, weakness and systemic inflammation.
  • Relieve Oxidative Stress: Amalaki helps to decrease lipid peroxidation, relieve oxidative stress and improve metabolism. It also possesses adaptogenic,anti-stress and anti-inflammatory activities.
  • Useful in Various Disorders: As an anti-oxidant and immunomodulator, Amalaki is useful in the management of chronic cardiac, liver, skin, GI tract, respiratory tract and renal tract disorders

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